What To Return From Repositories

Repositories are swell. It's a great idea to have a central place to retrieve entities(models) from. They're even better if you're interfacing them and have different implementations, like an EloquentPersonRepository. It's awesome to hide your ORM behind an interface. Your calling code likely doesn't need to know the ORM exists...but the repositories will still return <insert-your-ORM-here> models to the client code. Isn't the client code suppose to be unaware of the ORM? It doesn't make sense for your client code to do something like, $person->siblings()->attach($brother) when attach() is an Eloquent method. What do you do then? have your repositories cast everything to arrays? convert them to instances of stdClass?

Eloquent is a very nice, clean ORM. It's super easy to work with. I think for many developers it may be their very first ORM, which is great! I think that because more than once I have seen questions come up like the following:

"Regarding repositories, the biggest issue I have with them is that their output data also needs to be abstracted in some way. It defeats the purpose if DbOrderRepository::getAll() returns an array of Eloquent objects but FileOrderRepository::getAll() returns an array of stdclass instances or associative arrays. What's the best way of preventing this? It seems like we would need framework-agnostic 'OrderDetails' and 'OrderCollection' classes but that strikes me as being overkill, and potentially a little confusing." - Laracast member

Eloquent was my introduction into ORMs and I had the exact same question. Let me illustrate a scenario with some code. I'll use the above example.

Note: I've left out some classes and interfaces in the code samples for brevity.

Our Order model

class Order extends Eloquent
    protected $table = 'orders';

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('User');

Our Order repository interface

interface OrderRepository
    public function findById($id);

    public function findByOrderNumber($orderNumber);

A repository implementation

class EloquentOrderRepository implements OrderRepository
    protected $orders;

    public function __construct(Order $orders)
        $this->orders = $orders;

    public function findById($id)
        return $this->orders->find($id);

    public function findByOrderNumber($orderNumber)
        return $this->orders->whereOrderNumber($orderNumber)->first();

That's lookin good. Let's create a controller that has an action to transfer an Order to a User.

Our Controller

class OrderController extends BaseController
    protected $users;
    protected $orders;
    protected $mailer;

    public function __construct
        UserRepository $users, 
        OrderRepository $orders,
        OrderMailer $mailer
        $this->users = $users;
        $this->orders = $orders;
        $this->mailer = $mailer;

    public function transferOrder($userId, $orderId)
        $user = $this->users->findById($userId);
        $order = $this->orders->findById($orderId);


        $this->mailer->sendTransferNotification($user->email, $order->orderNumber);

Do you see the problem? Part of the reason we created repositories was to hide Eloquent, yet we're using Eloquent's associate() method on an Eloquent BelongsTo object. We're also using Eloquent's magic __get() and __set() methods for the mailer. Our controller obviously knows about our ORM. Hmm...


Everyone seems to be telling you you should interface all the things, yet, somehow models have been flying under the radar. It's been causing confusion about what in the world your repositories should return.

Eloquent has made it super easy to work with models through the use of the magic methods, __get() and __set(). Interfacing your Eloquent models doesn't even enter your mind! Damn you Taylor for making it so easy! (kidding!)

If you really want to abstract the ORM, you must interface your models! You'll also want stop using the save() method on your models outside of your repositories. This is only seen in ActiveRecord implementations.

Let's refactor.

Interface all the things!

interface Order
    public function setUser(User $user);

    public function getUser();

    public function setOrderNumber($orderNumber);

    public function getOrderNumber();
interface OrderRepository
    public function findById($id);

    public function findByOrderNumber($orderNumber);

    public function save(Order $order);
class EloquentOrder extends Eloquent implements Order
    protected $table = 'orders';

    public function setUser(User $user)

    public function getUser()
        return $this->user;

    public function setOrderNumber($orderNumber)
        $this->orderNumber = $orderNumber;

    public function getOrderNumber()
        return $this->orderNumber;

    private function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('User');

Our new controller

class OrderController extends BaseController
    protected $users;
    protected $orders;
    protected $dispatcher

    public function __construct (   
        UserRepository $users, 
        OrderRepository $orders,
        Dispatcher $dispatcher
    ) {
        $this->users = $users;
        $this->orders = $orders;
        $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;

    public function transferOrder($userId, $orderId)
        $user = $this->users->findById($userId);
        $order = $this->orders->findById($orderId);



        $this->dispatcher->fire(OrderEvents::ORDER_TRANSFERED, [$user, $order]);

Now our controller really has no idea about Eloquent or any ORM. Interfacing models gives us a couple of nice benefits apart from abstraction. Mocking models in tests becomes trivial and if you're using an IDE, like PHPStorm, you get some super helpful code completion! You won't always have to remember if you need to attach() or associate() a model to another model. Hide that stuff behind your interfaced method.

You might also have noticed that we made the EloquentOrder::user() method private. This is Eloquent related. Your client code can't use it anymore! That's good.

You probably also noticed I added a dispatcher and am firing an event in the controller. You should probably use the mailer in an event listener, which can make use of your new User and Order interfaces.


Things aren't all rosy though. Sometimes things get a bit awkward by accommodating both ORM implementations. For example, if you went the other way and did $user->addOrder($order). In Eloquent that would update and save the model right away, not so in Doctrine. You would still need to use the UserRepository::save() method for that change to actually get sent to the database. This is a price you pay by accommodating both ORM implementations sometimes. I suggest treating relationships like normal model attribute and always using the repositories to persist the changes. Eloquent is smart enough to know if the model is actually dirty and whether or not to perform any database calls. For example:

class OrderController extends BaseController
    // other code

    public function transferOrder($userId, $orderId)
        $user = $this->users->findById($userId);
        $order = $this->orders->findById($orderId);


        $this->users->save($user); // In EloquentUserRepository, only save if $user->isDirty is true

        $this->dispatcher->fire(OrderEvents::ORDER_TRANSFERED, [$user, $order]);

This brings up my next point...getting to a point where you can swap out your ORM and not alter your client code is a challenge. You have to ditch the ActiveRecord mentality.

Take note! You can treat ActiveRecord models like data mapper models, you can't treat data mapper models like ActiveRecord models though. It just doesn't work.

Is all this necessary to write "good" code? Nope. It all depends on your app and priorities. Do you think you may want to swap in Doctrine2, a data mapper implementation? If so, I'd encourage you to interface your models. If you're fairly confident you won't need to swap out Eloquent, don't bother unless you like the code completion(I do!) and/or testing benefits.

It's tough and unless you're familiar with multiple ORMs you'll probably have some work to do if/when you swap ORMs.

The best display of this I've found is the FOSUserBundle for Symfony. It can be used with both Propel(an ActiveRecord implementation) and Doctrine2(a data mapper implementation). Check out the Models, Propel, and Doctrine directories to see what I mean.

All that said, you must decide for yourself if this abstraction is worth it for your project. It not always is!

Tags: PHP, Intermediate, Laravel

Stop Using Facades

Apparently when experienced developers are introduced to Laravel they're immediately disgusted by all of the static method calls they see. As soon as someone vocalizes this "atrocity" there are multiple prominent Laravel ambassadors to quickly defend the framework by explaining the facade pattern, "Nope, you're wrong! It's actually using OOP behind the scenes!"

Both sides have valid points. Here's my case against using them...

Before we start! I think some people have taken this article as anti-Laravel. That wasn't my intention at all! Using facades are great for gettin crap done quickly. I don't think anyone needs to read a post about throwing stuff together to make things work. We all know how to do that. This post is about some of the benefits you get when you decide(for yourself) not to use them and illustrate how to do that.
A response! Taylor has now made injecting the dependencies under the facades a lot easier. Check out his response to this post.

It seems like an anti-pattern

Many people view injecting your IoC container into your classes as an anti-pattern. I can understand this. If I were looking at someone else's class and trying to figure out what its dependencies were, I would absolutely prefer to be able to look at the constructor rather than track down everywhere the injected container is used.

Injecting the IoC container seems like an easy way to accidentally turn your unit tests into integration tests. Imagine this, you come back to work on a class which you've injected the container. In this class, you add code to use the container to retrieve and use a new service object. It's much easier to forget to go back to your unit test and mock that new service object. Your test might even still pass if you forget to come back. You wouldn't have that problem if you injected the service object rather than resolved it out of the IoC. Your unit tests would fail immediately if you used constructor injection(which would be a good thing).

In my opinion, using facades in Laravel introduces the same baggage as injecting the IoC container. It's practically the same thing, if not worse. The application/IoC container is statically available on all facade classes. This service location is available everywhere. With Laravel, you don't have a choice. However, Laravel facades are great for new devs getting their feet wet with OOP in a solid framework. I can completely understand why Taylor included them. It's sexy for some people.

They tie you to Laravel

Recently there's been a lot of twitter/blog/reddit bantering about being more mindful of creating framework agnostic packages. Phil Sturgeon recently posted an article on his blog about ditching framework fanboy-ism and focusing more on interoperability among code bases. He ruffled some feathers but I agree with his main point. If you develop framework agnostic code, you and others are going to be able to use it when you work in another project. I don't think anyone will argue that that's not a good thing.

You probably don't have framework interoperability code as your primary focus when developing, but by using Laravel's facades you're immediately tying that code to Laravel.

There are some places, like controllers, that this argument is moot. You're most likely not going to share controllers. I'd still advocate ditching facades in your controllers just for the sake of establishing the habit. Establish this habit for your service objects! There's a far better chance you're going to like a service class you wrote and want to use that code again. It'll be much easier if you typehinted an interface into the constructor of that service object's class rather than have to refactor the facades out to be able to use it in framework X.

Okay, I'm sold. How do I do it?

Let's start with the default HomeController shipped with every Laravel install.

class HomeController extends BaseController 
        public function showWelcome()
                return View::make('hello');

Let's first inject the renderer. If we take a peek under the hood at the facade located at, project/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/View.php we can see the string view being returned from the getFacadeAccessor() method. This facade is pulling out the object from the IoC container with the key of view. With this information we can register a binding.

// project/bootstrap/start.php

/* --other code-- */

$app->bind('HomeController', function($app) {

    return new HomeController($app->make('view'));

return $app;

Now we have to update update our controller...but we don't actually know what in the world $app->make('view') returns. After a bit of searching you can see in the Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider::registerEnvironment() method the actual object is an instance of Illuminate\View\Environment. Let's modify the controller.

use Illuminate\View\Environment as View;

class HomeController extends BaseController 
    protected $view;
    public function __construct(View $view)
        $this->view = $view;

    public function showWelcome()
        return $this->view->make('hello');

Note! We've aliased the class to View to be consistent with the facade. This will probably make people using facades more comfortable with your code.

This is already a heck of lot clearer to see what classes are being used. It will be much easier to tell if we're adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.

Let's accommodate the Input facade for funzies.

This one is a little harder to track down. If you open up the Input.php facade file, you'll see request being returned. I found this binding in the project/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php file. You can see the request binding in the registerBaseBindings() method. We can add this to the controller like so:

use Illuminate\Http\Request as Input;
use Illuminate\View\Environment as View;

class HomeController extends BaseController 
    protected $input;

    protected $view;

    public function __construct(Input $input, View $view)
        $this->input = $input;
        $this->view = $view;

    public function showWelcome()
        $test = $this->input->get('test');
        return $this->view->make('hello');

Then update our binding.

// project/bootstrap/start.php

/* --other code-- */

$app->bind('HomeController', function($app) {

    return new HomeController($app->make('request'), $app->make('view'));

return $app;

Now if we go to /?test=123, $test will equal "123". Perfect.

Edit! This is an edit made after I originally posted the article. I hadn't looked at Laravel's facade documentation in a while. They have added a handy table for you to find out what the facades actually map to. You can find the Facade Class Reference here.

Stripping facades from service objects

You'll notice we didn't create any interfaces for the controller. Again, this is because we're not going to be sharing controllers across frameworks.

I would create my own interface if I were writing code that I, or others, could possibly be used in the future outside of Laravel. Take the following example.

use MyUserInterface as UserInterface;

class PasswordResetService
    protected $user;
    public function setUser(UserInterface $user)
        $this->user = $user;
    public function fire()
        $email = $this->user->getEmail();
        $message = 'Follow the link: www.project.dev/reset/' . $this->user->getUniqueString();

        Queue::push('SendEmail', array('email' => $email, 'message' => $message));

Because we're using the Queue facade, we've unnecessarily tied this service to Laravel. Let's fix that.

use MyUserInterface as UserInterface;
use MyQueueInterface as QueueInterface;

class PasswordResetService
    protected $queue;

    protected $user;

    public function __construct(QueueInterface $queue)
        $this->queue = $queue;

    public function setUser(UserInterface $user)
        $this->user = $user;

    public function fire()
        $email = $this->user->getEmail();
        $message = 'Follow the link: www.project.dev/reset/' . $this->user->getUniqueString();

        $this->queue->push('SendEmail', array('email' => $email, 'message', $message));

Here's what those new interfaces and class could look like.

interface MyUserInterface {

    public function getEmail();

    public function getUniqueString();

interface MyQueueInterface {
    public function push($service, array $data);

class MyQueueService implements MyQueueInterface
    public function push($service, array $data)
        Queue::push($service, $data);

We're basically just wrapping the facade. We won't use MyQueueService outside of Laravel. It's adapter code. Now we just need to bind it in the IoC container.

// project/bootstrap/start.php

/* --other code-- */

$app->bind('PasswordResetService', function($app) {

    return new PasswordResetService($app->make('MyQueueService'));

return $app;

This is a very simple example but we've completely removed Laravel from this service class. We could package our interfaces and service class up and use it in any other framework now. Awesome.

Get in the habit

Hopefully I've adequately illustrated the benefits of not using facades. Although Laravel's facades are super easy to use, injecting the actual dependencies could really pay off down the line. I think everyone, even Laravel users, will prosper if the use of facades gets phased out. Go forth and develop framework agnostic code by ditching facades!

Tags: PHP, Intermediate, Laravel

Using PHP Generators for Control Flow

As you may know from my last post covering Ember, I have become very interested in expanding my javascript skill set. I posted my 10 part Ember video series to /r/javascript and was glad to see it get some upvotes. I noticed a post about Koa.js sitting next to mine. Koa is touted as a next generation framework for node from the Express team. I have heard of Express but haven't done anything with it. Upon seeing there was something even newer, I was intrigued and decided to check it out.

What the heck is this voodoo?

I was really taken aback when I came to the Cascading section. The example showed a asterisk right in the middle of a closure definition and the use of a yield keyword.

// copy/pasted directly from Koa's docs
var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();

// x-response-time
app.use(function *(next){
  var start = new Date;
  yield next;
  var ms = new Date - start;
  this.set('X-Response-Time', ms + 'ms');

// logger
app.use(function *(next){
  var start = new Date;
  yield next;
  var ms = new Date - start;
  console.log('%s %s - %s', this.method, this.url, ms);

// response
app.use(function *(){
  this.body = 'Hello World';


I had never seen that before. Upon some further investigation I learned that they are generators. Generators allow you to do some really crazy iterations. You can stop the iteration and give the calling code a value by using the yield keyword. You can also send the generator data back in the middle of an iteration. They're pretty mind bottling at first glance. I was curious to know if php has generators and guess what, they're new in 5.5!

I encourage you to get slightly familiar with them before reading on!

Anthony Ferrara has great article on generators here.

SitePoint also has a pretty good post about them here.

A Wikipedia article about generators.

Re-purposing generators

After I got a handle on what generators are I went back to the Koa website to review what they were doing. It didn't looking like they were using them for iteration though. It looks like they're using them to pass control to another generator, where execution halts in the first generator and continues in the next generator, which the first generator is completely unaware of. Once there are no more generators to continue on, flow unwinds back to the yield line in each generator. Koa's using them for a sort of cascading middleware. Look at Koa's docs if what I said didn't make any sense.

I found this concept to be incredibly clever and interesting. I wonder if I could implement the same idea in php...

Mental Gymnastics

This turned out to be a really fun challenge. Man...programming has really warped my idea of fun. Surprisingly, I was able to achieve the same effect. It took me a little while to figure it out and I didn't cheat and look at Koa's source! I'm not even sure with my javascript skills it would've helped much anyway.

Right this way

Let me show you an example.

$obj = new \stdClass;
$obj->result = '';

$first = function() use ($obj) {
    $obj->result .= ' 1 ';
    yield ControlFlow::NEXT;
    $obj->result .= ' 2 ';

$second = function() use ($obj){
    $obj->result .= ' 3 ';
    yield ControlFlow::NEXT;
    $obj->result .= ' 4 ';

$third = function() use ($obj){
    $obj->result .= ' 5 ';
    return ControlFlow::NEXT;

$fourth = function() use ($obj){
    $obj->result .= ' 6 ';
    return ControlFlow::NEXT;

$flow = new ControlFlow;
$flow->queue($first()) //notice the parenthesis for generators


echo trim($obj->result); // '1 3 5 6 4 2'

My ControlFlow object accepts two object types in the queue() method, \Generator's and \Closure's. It will always execute each queued action when the run() method is called but the order of execution is dependent on the contents of each generator/closure.

In the above example, the flow occurs like so:

  1. execution starts in the $first generator
  2. ' 1 ' is appended to $obj->result
  3. the $first generator then attempts to stop it's execution and yield/pass control to an unknown piece of code
  4. the ControlFlow then passes control to the next generator/closure which happens to be $second
  5. ' 3 ' is appended
  6. the $second generator then attempts to stop it's execution and yield/pass control to an unknown piece of code
  7. the ControlFlow then passes control to the next generator/closure which happens to be $third
  8. ' 5 ' is appended
  9. the ControlFlow then passes control to the next generator/closure which happens to be $fourth
  10. ' 6 ' is appended
  11. the ControlFlow attempts to pass control to the next generator/closure but none is found so it starts to unwind
  12. control is then relinquished back to the last yield, which is in $second
  13. ' 4 ' is appended
  14. control is then relinquished back to the previous yield, which is in $first
  15. ' 2 ' is appended
  16. '1 3 5 6 4 2' is echoed

If the $third closure did not return ControlFlow::NEXT, execution would have gone like this(the difference starts on step 9):

  1. execution starts in the $first generator
  2. ' 1 ' is appended
  3. the $first generator then attempts to stop it's execution and yield/pass control to an unknown piece of code
  4. the ControlFlow then passes control to the next generator/closure which happens to be $second
  5. ' 3 ' is appended
  6. the $second generator then attempts to stop it's execution and yield/pass control to an unknown piece of code
  7. the ControlFlow then passes control to the next generator/closure which happens to be $third
  8. ' 5 ' is appended
  9. $third doesn't direct flow to another piece of code, so it starts to unwind
  10. control is then relinquished back to the last yield, which is in $second
  11. ' 4 ' is appended
  12. control is then relinquished back to the previous yield, which is in $first
  13. ' 2 ' is appended
  14. control is then passed to the next action it hasn't executed yet, $fourth
  15. ' 6 ' is appended
  16. '1 3 5 4 2 6' is echoed

As you can see, each action will always be executed, but their order is entirely dependent on the contents of the actions.

It's worth mentioning, in the first scenario, that if there was a $fifth generator action that looked like the others(append ' 7 ' , yield next, append ' 8 '), both ' 7 ' and ' 8 ' would be appended at the same time because it would be the last action in the queue. It would then start to unwind.

I showed my coworker my example and he likened it to using templates, which is a great analogy. You have a template that has a placeholder for other markup to be rendered into. That base template has no idea what's going to get rendered into to but as soon as that happens it can continue on and render the rest of its own markup. I'm applying this same principle to php code.

Is this useful?

I have no idea! It's a pretty neat trick though. It seems like it could be a really confusing way to do some sort of pub/sub event propagation considering that generators are not required to yield anything. They must have the yield keyword in them but it could be wrapped up in a an if-statement that may not allow the execution to get there. Generators are strange beasts.

I would love to see someone smarter than me take this idea and run with it. I would be very curious to see what you come up with!


Here's my ControlFlow class. It should probably be named something like YoYo.

class ControlFlow
    const NEXT = 'NEXT';
     * @var array
    protected $queued = [];
     * @var array
    protected $initiated = [];
     * Queue an action
     * @param \Closure|\Generator $action
     * @return $this
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function queue($action)
        if ( ! $action instanceof \Closure && ! $action instanceof \Generator) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Queued action must be a \Closure or \Generator');
        $this->queued[] = $action;

        return $this;
     * Run all queued actions
     * @return void
    public function run()
        foreach ($this->queued as $action) {
        //flush everything because generators can't be reopened
     * Run a queued action
     * @param \Closure|\Generator $action
     * @return void
    private function runAction($action)
        if (in_array($action, $this->initiated, true)) return;
        $this->initiated[] = $action;
        if ($action instanceof \Generator) {
        } elseif ($action instanceof \Closure) {
     * Run a queued closure
     * @param \Closure $closure
     * @return void
    private function runClosure(\Closure $closure)
        if ($closure() === self::NEXT) {
     * Run a queued generator
     * @param \Generator $generator
     * @return void
    private function runGenerator(\Generator $generator)
        foreach ($generator as $result) {
            if ($result === self::NEXT) {
     * Initiate the next action
     * @return void
    private function initiateNext()
        $nextAction = current($this->queued);
     * Remove the actions
     * @return void
    public function flush()
        $this->queued = [];
        $this->initiated = [];

Tags: PHP